My Puppiness Saves the Day


As long as you promise not to tell anyone that I have hopped the gate and am using the Mac, I have an awesome tale to tell you. Promise?

Ok, so I got adopted.  Yeah, I know…. it’s crazy!  One night I was dropped off in the darkest dark Middle of Nowhere and was left all alone by The Mean Person in a pen. It was so cold, and I was terrified and howling. A few days later, these new Super Nice People came and rescued me.  In between there were some good people that gave me food and water and a bed, but it wasn’t that much fun and I had some major anxiety going on. They say that is normal for Shelter Dogs, which is what that whole fiasco made me into, an anxious Shelter Dog.

So, after a few days, the Super Nice People came to the shelter and visited me.  First the Dad came and visited me, and I was subdued and quiet and let the shelter lady hold me. I had been spayed earlier that day, so I was still groggy.  He decided I was super cute and sweet and would be a great fit for The Family. Then the Mom came and visited me, and I was crazy and ran around and jumped a lot and stole her earring right out of her ear and tried to chew on her shoes.  Turned out I wasn’t groggy from my surgery during that visit, so the real me shined through and my puppiness was in abundance. I am pretty sure this visit sealed the deal.  The Mom must really enjoy my energy and puppy radiance.  I was sad when she left, and I grabbed her arm with my paws and licked her face.  This was my way of saying “Come back to get me!” And guess what? She did!

Three days later the Dad and the Mom came back together with a Boy and a Girl. My puppiness was in full force.  I could not contain it! I had to get a few shots before I could go in their car, but that didn’t matter because I could tell that a grand new adventure was starting.  I howled and barked about it all the way to the new house.

My People had come to save me!